What connects Russell Brand and Workplace Violence?

Philip Grindell
Written by Philip Grindell
what connects russell brand and workplace violence

Why are the complainants only coming forward now?

As often occurs with these high-profile exposes, suddenly all those who have previously remained silent rush forward to add their voices to the story.

Russell Brand suggests this is a calculated strategy and a witch-hunt.

Those alleging they have been victims of his concerning behaviour say otherwise.

So, what has this got to do with workplace violence?

There are several similarities.

  • Nearly 30% of the UK workforce claim to have been the victims of bullying or harassment.
  • 88% say they have experienced verbal abuse.
  • 67% of women say they have experienced sexual harassment at work.
  • 67% of those have been victim DO NOT report their concerns!!

Why don’t they report their concerns?

The facts are that most employees don’t trust the investigative process and fear repercussions of coming forward.

Secondly, they don’t really know what behaviours they should report and who they should report their concerns to.

In 2000 Louis Theroux challenges Jimmy Savile about rumours about him being a paedophile. Saville denied it.

It wasn’t until 2011, 11 years later and following a failed police investigation that the expose was published.

When people in power behave poorly, act criminally and abuse their positions their victims feel disempowered.

This is whether they are celebrities, politicians or employees and bosses.

The victims don’t feel that they will be believed.

They don’t really know what to report or who to.

They don’t believe that any investigation will be conducted fairly and with an open mind, nor do they believe those investigating are qualified to do so.

They fear the consequences of reporting their concerns.

The Russell Brand expose reinforces all the fears and concerns of everyday employees distressed about worrying behaviour in the workplace, especially when pundits and reporters consistently tell the public that it isn’t safe to approach the police (which isn’t true at all!

The solutions are contained within The SHARE Model.

  1. All employees need to be taught to recognise the behaviours of concern in the workplace that may be early indicators of harm.
  2. Introduce clear and well-published reporting process that responds with a specific timeframe and triggers an immediate investigation.
  3. Introduce independent and professional multi disciplined investigations

For further details of The SHARE Model email us at [email protected]

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