The Science Behind Stopping Targeted Attacks Webinar

Philip Grindell
Written by Philip Grindell
the science behind stopping targeted attacks webinar

Targeted attacks are among the greatest threat to people and organisations that require protection face. Targeted attacks are predatory and pre planned and hence provide opportunities to disrupt and prevent them being successful. The Science Behind Stopping Targeted Attacks discusses the methodology that seeks to identify and stop those destined to attack.

The MP Jo Cox was the victim of such an attack. Philip Grindell was the person brought in to stop another successful attack, which he successfully did along with his team The Parliamentary Liaison and Investigation Team (PLaIT). PLaIT was the Metropolitan Police team threat assessment and investigation that Philip set up to combat the threat posed to UK MPs.

Having researched the best practices of stopping public figure attacks and been privileged to meet with and discuss the theories with the academics’ psychologists who developed them, Philip introduced these to Parliament. In order to ensure that these theories were operational applicable Philip mapped these theories against all the attacks on UK MPs since 2000, and published the evidence in his MSc dissertation titled ‘Targeted Violence Towards British Political Figures – Where should the Security Manager focus?’

Such was the demand for Philip’s expertise, that on his retirement from the Metropolitan Police in November 2019, he launched Defuse, a specialist security consultancy which has combined internationally acclaimed experts to assess, analyse and ‘defuse‘ targeted and communicated threats to high profile people and organisations who want to feel safer.

In this webinar Philip will discuss the research he conducted, and the methodology used to counter targeted attacks.

The concepts discussed will include the following;

• Hunters & Howlers
• Pre-attack indicators
• Linguistic Red Flags
• Intimacy Effect




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